You know that financial education you wish you got in school? Well, here's your chance to reenroll anytime you get in your car or go to the gym. Everyone should be educated enough to properly manage their own money situation if they really want to.
Even if you’re someone who wants professional help, most people choose their advisors based on some kind of personality contest rather than a merit-based system, since that’s the only context they have.
Let’s face it, the money industry is purposefully confusing… I would say by design. As an ex-financial planner myself, I plan to share some behind-the-scenes context, the dirty little secrets of the industry, and common conflicts of interest to be avoided.
You see, I started my journey into this profession over 15 years ago as a disenfranchised client, and I paid lots of money to get all kinds of alphabet soup after my name to decode this madness. Thankfully for you, I specialize in making complex financial concepts simple to understand and easy to digest, so you can deduce for yourself where you need to drill deeper.
I’m going to kick it off with a crash course into the various facets of financial planning and how the sum of the parts should equal a holistic game plan. Having your all chess pieces deployed and aligned properly across your board can often have a bigger impact than simply picking the right investments or trying to time them perfectly.
I also plan to have different guests join us from time to time to discuss the specialties in advanced techniques you’ve either never fully understood or maybe never even heard of.
Simply just click subscribe wherever you do podcasts and look for new episodes to be released weekly.
You know that financial education you wish you got in school? Well, here's your chance to reenroll anytime you get in your car or go to the gym. Everyone should be educated enough to properly manage their own money situation if they really want to.
Even if you’re someone who wants professional help, most people choose their advisors based on some kind of personality contest rather than a merit-based system, since that’s the only context they have.
Let’s face it, the money industry is purposefully confusing… I would say by design. As an ex-financial planner myself, I plan to share some behind-the-scenes context, the dirty little secrets of the industry, and common conflicts of interest to be avoided.
You see, I started my journey into this profession over 15 years ago as a disenfranchised client, and I paid lots of money to get all kinds of alphabet soup after my name to decode this madness. Thankfully for you, I specialize in making complex financial concepts simple to understand and easy to digest, so you can deduce for yourself where you need to drill deeper.
I’m going to kick it off with a crash course into the various facets of financial planning and how the sum of the parts should equal a holistic game plan. Having your all chess pieces deployed and aligned properly across your board can often have a bigger impact than simply picking the right investments or trying to time them perfectly.
I also plan to have different guests join us from time to time to discuss the specialties in advanced techniques you’ve either never fully understood or maybe never even heard of.
Simply just click subscribe wherever you do podcasts and look for new episodes to be released weekly.